Aprenda a manejar las emociones (Emotion and Conflict. Learn to Manage Emotions)
Meritxell Obiols | Josep Redorta | Rafel Bisquerra
This isn’t just another book on emotions. Emotion and Conflict clearly and accurately tackles the complex world of emotions, making it easier to understand processes with useful tips for different situations when one needs to know how to act. This book is a huge help to develop one’s own emotional intelligence, which is necessary in many professional fields where interpersonal relationships play an important role. It is also essential to deal with the emotional situations others place one in. This book is an easy read for reference or bedside enjoyment. “It’s not often that the reader has the rare privilege of finding a book so impeccable in form and in substance. A thorough book with essential content for our modern times.” From the prologue by Álex Rovira, co-author of La buena suerte (Good Fortune) and author of La brújula interior (Our Inner Compass).
Date of publication: 03/01/2006
Num. of pages: 160
Binding: Paperback
Language: Spanish
ISBN: 978-84-493-1874-0
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